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Position:Home>History> Why is the union jack still on the hawaii flag after all this time?

Question: Why is the union jack still on the hawaii flag after all this time!?
I understand why the union jack was firs placed on the flag of hawaii, but why has it not been removed, and is there any plans to remove it in the near future!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No!. It is supposed to be there!. Feel free to suppose what other flag in the Sandwich Islands might best be removed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why remove it!? Most state flags have something to do with their past!. The Hawai'i flag is the same way!.

As for removing it, I don't think there are any plans do so!. Not unless the Hawai'ian sovereignty movement (whichever version/incarnation) eventually succeeds in their goal to have the Islands returned to the people of Hawai'i as an independent kingdom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com