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Position:Home>History> Did people in Britain really act the way they portray characters in period movie

Question: Did people in Britain really act the way they portray characters in period movies like Sense and Sensiblity!?
Or in Charles Dickens novels!? Because that would have really been tough on poor, underclass people!. If you were poor, it didn't seem like any escape or moving up at all!. Especially women, all the rules, etiquette, etc!. they had to follow must have been maddening!. But also any poor man didn't have a chance, even through marriage to move up the ladder!. Or do these movies exaggerate the class struggle of the times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, the books are a very good representation of life in those times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com