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Position:Home>History> How do you pronounce Tacitus?

Question: How do you pronounce Tacitus!?
He was an ancient historian on the life of Rome!. I think his full name was P!. Cornelius Tacitus!. Thanks for anyone that answers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's tas-i-tuhs

this should help, it has an audio guide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have always pronounced it Ta-sa-tus, but I have just recently taken a grad school history course with a professor specializing in the first three centuries of the Roman Empire - - and she pronounces Roman "C's" as K!. So Caesar should be pronounced Kee-sar instead of See-sar!. (Like the Germans use the word Kaiser for emperor)

Very confusing!. If I used this "K" pronunciation in the world history class that I teach in college, the students would not know who "Kee sar" was!.

I also have a friend from Serbia who says that Macedonia should be pronounced Ma ke donia instead of Ma se donia!.
So maybe the ancient Romans called him Tak a tus!.
In the present world, I would use Ta sa tus - - with the accent on the first syllable!. That's what my old Roman history professor used for a pronunciation ten years ago!.
She was another expert on the Roman world, so I would go with this one!. No one truly knows what Tacitus would say if he were here to tell us how to say his name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hello!. I think it's as "Ta ceee tus" maybe more language-wisened people will correct me!. good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com