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Question: History Connections!?
Hey everybody,

I am currently working on a history project, and I need help!. Could you guys possible tell me when each of these items was invented!?

Triangular Sails
Maps (of the New World after 1700)
Fishing Nets
Metal Hulls
Strong Fishing Nets
Frozen Fish Sticks

Thanks a lot!. person w/ most answers will get 10 pointsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Triangular Sails- 200 B!.C!.

Compass- 2634 B!.C!.

Maps - after 1700

Fishing Nets- somewhere between 10000 - 6000 B!.C!. Exact date not known

Motors- 1873

Propellers- 1827

Metal Hulls- 1847

Radar- 1887

Strong Fishing Nets- 1930's


Frozen Fish Sticks-1953Www@QuestionHome@Com

just wikipedia them all, i would do it but i have a life and food to eat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com