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Position:Home>History> History essay topic: Any ideas?

Question: History essay topic: Any ideas!?
Im doing a history essay and I need some ideas!. The time frame is from 1700 - now!. Any possible ideas!? Can be on absolutely anything!. thanks a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When given an open choice like this, always pick Abraham Lincoln because of all the materials available on him and the ease of accessing information!. Year after year: Lincoln, and collect your references so you can reuse them year after year!.

the assassin, Boothe, the effects of his action on his family

The only woman who was hanged (but not her son)

write the Lincoln investigation essay along a time line!.

An Lincoln essay on Dr Mudd and the use of his name in American English i!.e!.: when you are in big trouble: "Your name is Mudd!

An essay on the chase of John Wilkes Booth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should do an essay on the Roaring 20s!. Its such an interesting era and was a turning point for many Americans, in changing the way they lived and dressed!. This is the era when youth started becoming rebellious!. It was also the wake of World War I!. The research will be interesting so it will be easier to write you essay!

the causes of WWI, it's really easy!!

You could put lots of insight Into the leaders of each country as well as mentioning public opinion!.
it depends how long it has to be for how much you put inWww@QuestionHome@Com

i'm not sure, but when did the French Revolution take place!.!.!.!.
!.!.!.!.or how about the reformation and renaissance!.!.!.is that in the 1700's!?Www@QuestionHome@Com