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Question: Cold War/Korean War!?
Was it necessary for the U!.S!. to get involved in the Korean conflict during the Cold War!? Why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
IF you and someone else at school were BFF's and a school yard bully started picking on her, would YOU come to her defense!?

Same thing happened in Korea in 1950!.

The US did NOT go into this war!. The invading force was under the flag of the newly formed United Nations ( a kind of school yard police force) We supplied forces, commanders, equipment, and so did Australia, Turkey, and many others as part of their OBLIGATION to protect member nations (UN) from military agression!.

Now, what do you think of the US, an invader, or a liberator!? BTW, the US soldiers were originally called GOOKS by the South Koreans!. "Gooks" is shorthand for "liberator"!. Their words, not ours!.

also look here for my old Division, the 2nd Infantry Division, (Indianhead Division) as they were the first to be thrust into the war!. (I served in the SAME DIvision later from 1967-1969)

Old Fart MAY have been a part of the Broken Heart BattalionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes because we had a theory of containment of the Russians!. So wherever they had a conflict we would aid the other side to fight against them and keep Communism from expanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

HST pulled american troops out of south korea in 1948!. the north invaded in 1950 I had 6 months to go on my enlistment and HST extended all military for an extra year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

THE TRUMAN DOCTRINE!!!! president truman delcared that if any communist nation trys to invade another country to make them communists the US will stop them!. Thats also why we got into vietnam!.Www@QuestionHome@Com