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Position:Home>History> World War II question on interfaith Marriages. Someone help me plz.?

Question: World War II question on interfaith Marriages!. Someone help me plz!.!?
In my History class we have to do some report during world war II, i chose to do a diary of a young jewish woman who marries a christian German man!. I know alot about World War II but I am not 100% Sure on how Interfaith Marriages were treated by others between Jewish and non-Jewish people during the Holocaust!.!.!. If anyone has Any type of information or websites that can help me, Please do so!. Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I read a book about World War II - I'm sorry but I can't remember the name of it!.!.!.!.!.
It was about a couple here in America - the woman was American, the man was Polish and he went to help fight the war cause he was so worried about his family being over there!.
The family was Polish, and Poland fared pretty well for a while!. Then the Nazi's got tired of the "resistance fighters" which were mostly college students in Poland trying to help hide Jews and then they started deporting!.
the husband's parents were jewish/christian interfaith couple - they had been married like 30 years and had grown children (so it was before the laws forbidding interfaith unions)!. The mother was a jew and the father was a christian, although neither was really practising - they didn't go to church or synagoge or anything!.
The Mother and her "half jew" kids were all set to be deported!. The father was being allowed to stay at home, although in some countries (it depended on what generals were in charge in the different areas) they talked about the entire family being called up, because one was a jew, one was a "jewish sympathiser" and the kids were considered jewish because of that half of their genes!.
in some places even the Christian in laws were persecuted because they had accepted a jew into the family!.!.!.
This particular couple escaped, but that was sheer luck!.
Hope that helped a little!.
Basically no matter who you were, if you were married to a jew it was just as "bad" as being jewish yourself, and your kids were in danger as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The marriage would have happened before laws forbidding such a thing came out!. The German would have been asked (ordered) to divorce his Jewish wife!. He would have lost his job, been hassled and harassed, if renting a flat they would have been kicked out, and one day he would have seen his wife taken away!.
Half Jewish children would have been considered Jewish!. One eighth Jewish blood was considered 'acceptable' but still not good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were basically forbidden!.Www@QuestionHome@Com