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Position:Home>History> Why are pyramid structures found all around the world?

Question: Why are pyramid structures found all around the world!?
There are pyramids from the early Egyptian times and some built in South America by the Indian peoples for human sacrifice!.!.Why is this style of building found around the world!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think pyramids are found all over the world simply because they are one of the easiest building to construct!. You don't need to worry as much about the walls falling outwards like on a building which has straight walls and also the weight of the levels reduces significantly as the pyramid gets taller so their is less structure required to prevent the roof collapsing!. however just because they are common allover the world they are all built very differently to each other so only have their shape in common!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The pyramids in South America are of different designs than the ones in Egypt than the ones in Asia, though, and they were built at different times!. I think it's a fairly basic building style- biggest section on bottom, then smaller, then smaller, etc!.!. In most places they started out with "step pyramids" that are basically like smaller blocks stacked on bigger blocks, then eventually got the classic pyramid shape by trial and error!. (In Africa, South America, and East Asia they've found the bases and ruins of pyramids that collapsed before they were finished- these were the "error" phase of trial and error!.) A more fascinating and impressive thing is how precisely they were able to align these structures with the equinoxes and or solstices without modern tools (which I don't think had to do with UFOs or anything but is a tribute to human ingenuity)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you need to make a huge, highly durable building & your architectural technology is primitive your choices are limited to some form of pyramid!.

We might as well question that all primitive architectural culture independantly developed columns & beams to form large interior spaces!. These are obvious solutions to scenarios without a lot of options!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
