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Position:Home>History> Recently we purchased a new house, How would I go about finding information on p

Question: Recently we purchased a new house, How would I go about finding information on past tenents and history of it!?
The house looks to be turn of the century, and is a few blocks from historical sites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Turn of the century!? That was only 8 years ago!.!.!.Ok, so the deal is, if the house was a rental, you may not be able to find out anything about who rented the house unless you find the agent who handled the transactions!. What you CAN find, is at the county records office, the place you go to record a deed!. In these records, you will find every transaction when the house ownership changed hands, names, addresses, and price of the sale, all the way back to the original construction!. In the same office, you will also find building permits and records for any modifications made to the property, again, from the original construction permits!. Stop by the tax assessors office while you are at it and you can also find out all about every dollar paid in taxes on the property!. These are ALL public records and FREE for you as a citizen to examine, but there may be a fee to make a copy of any information on file!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

City hall or the county (depending on where you live) should have old ownership records for the property!. If you have property taxes in your area, the tax rolls would be a good place to start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Contact your town or cities historical society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know you can call the police department and ask if they have any reports on file for your address!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Google your address and see what comes up!.

Or you could go to your town hall and ask if they have any records on your propertyWww@QuestionHome@Com