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Position:Home>History> How can some people defend Hitler and deny the Holocaust happened?

Question: How can some people defend Hitler and deny the Holocaust happened!?
Ive spent two days now debating with some idiots over youtube on this matter!. They deny the holocaust happened and say Hitler was a great leader!. How can anyone deny something that is a known historical fact!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have this problem within my own family!. My in-laws are from Germany!. (they came to USA in the late 40's) My husband was born here, and many times he and I have had to take a walk around the block to cool off when visiting them, because of their views about Germany, Hitler and the holocaust!.

They were so brainwashed for years by Hitler and his cronies that they cannot face the fact that he was evil!. Believe me, we have had heated arguments on the subject many times, it's difficult to explain to them, and it's sad, but that's exactly the reason why Hitler became so powerful!. People like my inlaws have been told something over and over and choose not to see evidence to the contrary!.

I think it also may be that they are proud being German, and if they admit that Germans did these horrible things, they cannot be proud of their heritage anymore!.

Or, some people are just idiots!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read one like that too in a book

there are these two non-jews who opposes german army in somewhere in belorussia or whatever, then the german army hanged them there for the people to see so that they'll not gonna oopose them!. When the war was over, the people there claimed that there is no such thing as holocaust and they even praise hitler even though the world had clearly knew what had happened!.!.

i don't know if you ask what the reason behind those claims but one thing is sure, they grew up like that and the fathers of there father thought them the same thing over and over againWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's interesting, nu!? People deny the Moon landings took place too, in fact one will find deniers about all sorts of facts!. Scientists are starting to look into the psychology of this, but basically some people choose what facts to believe:


There's no point for the most part even debating with people like this, because all you are doing is legitimizing their absurd beliefs, and they aren't going to be swayed by either fact or logic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they're idiots, thats why!. no matter what you show them, no matter what you will tell them, they will believe what they want to, if for nothing else but to piss you off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I completely agree with you!. What idiots can deny that millions of people died under the responsobility of Hitler!. I say you shoot them and then tell the cops it never happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are proof positive of the people who will not let mere facts disway them from their delusions!.
These are the same people who will mock anyone who stands on a truth that they don't like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com