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Position:Home>History> What were knights like? (10 points)?

Question: What were knights like!? (10 points)!?
I will give 10 ppoints whoever cna give me a very good answer!.

I just wnat to know what were kngihts like!? (eg: strong etc!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The knight was one of three types of fighting men during the middle ages: Knights, Foot Soldiers, and Archers!. The medieval knight was the equivalent of the modern tank!. He was covered in multiple layers of armor, and could plow through foot soldiers standing in his way!. No single foot soldier or archer could stand up to any one knight!. Knights were also generally the wealthiest of the three types of soldiers!. This was for a good reason!. It was terribly expensive to be a knight!. The war horse alone could cost the equivalent of a small airplane!. Armor, shields, and weapons were also very expensive!. Becoming a knight was part of the feudal agreement!. In return for military service, the knight received a fief!. In the late middle ages, many prospective knights began to pay "shield money" to their lord so that they wouldn't have to serve in the king's army!. The money was then used to create a professional army that was paid and supported by the king!. These knights often fought more for pillaging than for army wages!. When they captured a city, they were allowed to ransack it, stealing goods and valuables!.

Knights believed in the code of chivalry!. They promised to defend the weak, be courteous to all women, be loyal to their king, and serve God at all times!. Knights were expected to be humble before others, especially their superiors!. They were also expected to not "talk too much"!. In other words, they shouldn't boast!. The code of chivalry demanded that a knight give mercy to a vanquished enemy!. However, the very fact that knights were trained as men of war belied this code!. Even though they came from rich families, many knights were not their families' firstborn!. They did not receive an inheritance!. Thus they were little more than mercenaries!. They plundered villages or cities that they captured, often defiling and destroying churches and other property!. also the code of chivalry did not extend to the peasants!. The "weak" was widely interpreted as "noble women and children"!. They were often brutal to common folk!. They could sometimes even rape young peasant women without fear of reprisal, all because they were part of the upper class!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knights were professional fighting men!. First of all, knights were very rich because they were supposed to own a war horse and an armour, which was extremely expensive!. Since in the Middle Ages only the noble were rich, most knights were also of noble origins (although "knight" was not an aristocratic title per se)!. Therefore, eligibility for knighthood became soon a monopoly of the feudal aristocracy!. The training began during late chidhood / early adolescence, and was very tough and demanding!. Therefore, most knights were strong, fit, agile and disciplined!. Knights were also much taller than average because since early childhood they ate an abundant diet that was very rich in meat and protein !. They were also spiritual and very religious, and spent many hours praying!. As I mentioned, knights wore an armour, a helmet, a shield, a cloak, a spear and a sword, and mounted a horse!. At least Frankish knights were not particularly clean, showered only once or twice a year, and changed their clothes only when they were about to fall apart!. However, they kept their hair very clean and well-brushed for fear of lice!. also, they did wear underwear!. When not at war, knights spent most of their time training in the art of war (different drills, theory of warfare, sword and riding practice, exercising the use of the spear, etc!.) However, as the medieval period progressed and the culture changed, becoming more refined and elegant, knights were expected to understand and follow the rules of chivalry and courtly love, and more time was spent on dance practice, etc!. Their favourite pastime was hunting on horseback, with the help of a falcon and several hounds!. Knights were also very popular among the ladies, who admired their strength and courage!.


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