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Position:Home>History> Hitler ordered widespread "mercy killing".?

Question: Hitler ordered widespread "mercy killing"!.!?
but to which certain people!?
was it only the sick and disabled!?
any others!?
who did he send to kill these certain people!?
and HOW did these people get killed!?
and WHERE were they killed!?

thank you!.

also where did this take place!? like what country and suchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In order:
1) Everyone who was NOT a healthy, heterosexual "Aryan"
2) Yes, including people of mixed heritage, gypsies, jews, and other minorities
3)He sent the SS (secret police)
4)They were probably put in crematoriums, executed at gunpoint, or killed via inhumane testing
5)Usually a prison or concentration camp

Your welcome

6)Much of Eastern Europe, Germany, Poland, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com