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Question: Cuban Missle Crises - I have a couple questions!?
Hi, I've been trying to find the answers to the following couple of questions for past hour or so with no luck!. Any help would be appreciated!.

Soviet missiles in Cuba were a threat to the US because our country had no:
(a) missles
(b) radar or other warning system to warn of attack from the south *I think this is the answer, but we DID have warning system - there would just be a very short warning if an attack came from Cuba

By the end of September 1962, the Soviet missile buildup in Cuba included more than:
(a) 2,000 troops
(b) 12,000 troops
(c) 40,000 troops

Many Americans believed that the Soviet medium and intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Cuba were there only for:
(a) defense
(b) nuclear attack *I think this is the right answer

During the Cuban missile crisis, the US asked leaders of France, West Germany, Great Britain, and Canada to:
(a) attack Cuba
(b) help the US if war with the Soviet Union broke out
(c) remain neutral if war began


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

B, B, A, BWww@QuestionHome@Com