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Position:Home>History> I have 3 questions involving from the New Deal Era to the War in Vietnam, in US

Question: I have 3 questions involving from the New Deal Era to the War in Vietnam, in US History can you help me!?!?!?
these questions are going to be on my final tommorrow well 2 of the 3 are going to be there, and i really need help here are the questions

1) The New Deal drew opposition from across the political spectrum!. Discuss the early phase of the New Deal and describe how individuals such as Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and Francis Townsend offered alternative visions for America!.

2) In the period between World Wars strong political leaders arose in nations around the world!. Franklin Roosevelt, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler had different world views and led different sorts of governments, but were similar in that they each took power in a time of crisis and led thier nations through Depression and War!. Discuss THREE of these individuals and describe how the came to power and the systems that they used to maintain power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
FDR's New Deal was very liberal reform, and it definitely drew opposition (but the PEOPLE supported it because it brought them a lot of aid in time of need)!. Hueg Long's philosophy was "Share the Wealth," Father Coughlin was in part religious, but he also was very much involved in the economic aspects of the New Deal!. Francis Townsend was the man who suggested social security - which FDR put into action!.

For question 2, I would suggest you research FDR/Hitler/Stalin - there were very major leaders!. (Although Mussolini was important, he was more Hitler's pawn in the grand scheme of thigns)!. All 3 leaders were able to lead a country during WWII - Hitler/FDR started and ended their political careers VERY closely (in time: 1933-1945)!.

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1!. The only problem with the new deal was that it was a socialist way of pulling the country out of the great depression!. The supreme court and others felt that it was unconstitutional!. The new deal was a economic plan that the government would put people to work on government work projects!.
2!. Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler sold the idea of hope, that by voting for them they would restore the glory of their countries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Today you would call it the use of Spin Doctors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com