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Question: Ap american help!?
what was the:
1) rotation of officeholders
can someone please explain popular election of the president!?

please!? ill award best answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
rotation of office holders relates to the rotation of congress members - although the congressional term is 6 years, every 2 years, 1/3 of congress is "rotated" - and this is to "change it up"

popular means by the people - the people tell their representatives who to vote for, and they will vote for that candidate in the electoral college; while the electoral college has more power to determine the president, the popular vote determines who is voted (and that simply shows how our govt!. supports "power to the PEOPLE")Www@QuestionHome@Com

The term “rotation in office” is similar to the issue of “term limits” we hear about today!. Basically it says that government is best served if one person does not stay in the same office too long!. In the US the Congressmen do not have term limits (they may be reelected indefinitely, and often are), but the president is limited to two terms!.

In the US the president is not elected by popular vote!. In 2000 and in previous elections the elected president did not win the popular vote (or did not win a majority of the popular vote because of three or more major candidates)!. Voters elect “electors” who constitute an Electoral College, and that institution votes for president!.Www@QuestionHome@Com