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Position:Home>History> Imperialism and nationalism during the Great War?

Question: Imperialism and nationalism during the Great War!?
Both imperialism and nationalism were important elements in Europe during the late 19th century!.!.!.
What role did these two ideologies play in the causes of the Great War!?
What other factors contributed to the conflict!?
How can the war and its aftermath be seen as an irrational repsonse to the Western belief in progress!?
How is nationalism or irrationality evident today!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok, this is obviously an essay question for school so I don't think I'll be answering everything exhaustively!. That is really for you to do!. But I'll give this a shot!. Imperialism was important in causing the Great War because squabbles over imperial holdings resulted in increasing tension between Germany, Great Britain, and France!. Check out info on the first and second Moroccan Crises for examples!. Nationalism is closely related!. Germans and Britons saw it as a matter of national pride to, for example, have the most powerful navy!. That is what prompted the Germans to declare that they would build two battleships for every one built by the Brits!. Being the most influential economic power in Europe was also seen not only as a financial matter, but also as a nationalistic one!. As for other factors that contributed to the War, I'll leave that one largely to you because it is a rather easy question to answer!. If you're stuck, just ask yourself why certain countries allied themselves with certain others!. What could be gained by those alliances!? That should give you a good idea!. As for the question about progress, that's pretty interesting!. Well, for starters, many saw German "aggression" to be a direct result of their rejection of Protestantism and religious belief in favor of the theories of Nietzsche and other new philosophers!. In other words, a modern outlook rather than a traditional one!. It's arguable whether the war itself was irrational though!. I think that's a pretty big claim to make!. As for nationalism/irrationality today, yet again, another easy one!. Just look around and surely you can come up with something!. Americans are very nationalistic, though we tend to call patriotism, which is somehow more acceptable!. Irrationality is a matter of perspective though, so you could answer that part with just about anything and be right if you argued it well enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com