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Position:Home>History> Where were the centers of trade netwoks for Euope during the High Middle Ages? W

Question: Where were the centers of trade netwoks for Euope during the High Middle Ages!? Why in the specific location!?
My book is talking about the Hansea League as a trade network but im not sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hansa League , or the Hanseatic League
ports like Hamburg, outlet Atlantic shipping and ports on the Baltic Sea!.

A major trade centre was also at Venice, because it was built on sand deposits on a shallow part of the sea / river mouth, separate from Italy, but also, a gateway for shipping for things from anywhere on the mediterreanean, things (spices, etc) from trade routes from India and Africa to go to anywhere in Europe, and things from Europe (cloth etc) outbound too, all through that focal point called Venice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com