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Position:Home>History> Hitler pesecution of homosexuals?

Question: Hitler pesecution of homosexuals!?
Did it cause any global affect that is still present today!? If so, what was it!. I am doing a research paper so if you could include your sources i would appreciate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not really!. Homophobia was pretty much universal then, and while the Nazis arrested tens of thousands of homosexuals that was peanuts compared to Jews and Poles, etc!. (and far from the number of homosexuals in Germany)!. The most irritating reflection that Nazi views on homosexuals were shared was that when the concentration camps were liberated, those sent there for being homosexuals were often left imprisoned!.

When homosexuals began to be persecuted there was a huge upswing in the number of first marriages for middle aged (and older) men!. Suddenly a lot of 40 or 50 year old gay men, especially those in the arts (who were already suspect) married their assistants/female friends/any woman they could to throw off suspicion!. Of course a lot of gay men were already married!. You might could argue that the Nazi persecutions made other nations more likely to "marry and live with it" than to come out!.

Interestingly,the number of women arrested by the Nazis for lesbianism could fit comfortably in a small house- about 4 or 5 if I remember correctly!. It was only gay men they were after (particularly after Ernst Rohm was arrested)!.

Source: the film Paragraph 175 (excerpts available on YouTube) http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Paragraph_1!.!.!.

PS- Very important thing to remember- Berlin in the 1920s and early 1930s, before the Nazis came to power, was one of the most tolerant/liberal cities on Earth!. While there was homophobia of course and most people had a prejudice against it, homosexuals were rarely arrested and there was actually a fairly large openly gay community in Berlin (bigger than in Paris or London)!. After the war it went back to being mostly closeted again!. (OTOH Hamburg became wilder than Berlin had ever been; the Beatles actually played occasional gigs in transvestite and gay bars there in the early 60s when they were on the rise, but they were dives!.) It could be argued that a lot of gays in major cities were afraid to come out due to the example of the Nazis (though the late 1950s saw the beginnings of gay rights and the Kinsey Report made people realize that "deviant" behavior was a lot more common than previously thought)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hitler had no problem with homosexuals, in fact, all of the SA were homosexuals!. it was widely known, that if given authority, homosexuals were the most viscious people around!. the SA was headed by ernst rhoem, and he used all of his homosexual friends!. when the SA got so powerful that even hitler became concerned, he had all of them killed in the night of the long knives!. they used the excuse that the SA were all homosexuals to rationalize the mass killingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know about that!. There has always been the rumor that he himself was in the closet, so if he did persecute homosexuals it wouldn't be entirely surprising!.

There have been books written about it - The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party By Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams

I don't think we will ever know for sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know if it caused a global effect because it was so overshadowed by his persecution of jewish people!. It did occur he forced them to wear pink arm sashes I beleive and seperated them from others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think so, many people forget that he targeted gays

i think that Christianity has had the biggest impact on homosexuals, since they consider them abominationsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Most people didn't like Hitler!.!.!. I'm relatively sure that people are biased against gays because they're different and contradict other's religion/Www@QuestionHome@Com

i do not believe so!.!.!.hitler wasn't against homosexuals!.!.!.he was against jews, black people, and christiansWww@QuestionHome@Com