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Position:Home>History> English revolution and French Revolution >> Do you agree with this compari

Question: English revolution and French Revolution >> Do you agree with this comparison!?
The response doesn't need to be longer than 2 sentences or so!. Here is a question from my homework assignment:

? At the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution in 1989, the Prime Minister of England remarked that the earlier British revolution has accomplished all that the French Revolution had accomplished - without the violence!. Do you agree with her assessment!?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think you can really compare the two!. The english revolution aimed to curb the power of the king to interfere in the parliamentary process!. The leaders of the parliamentary side in the english civil war were not interested in giving more power to the people, or improving the lives of the common people, they were just interested in securing their own rights!. the leaders of the Parliamentarians were mainly from the gentry and even the nobility (the Earls of Essex and Manchester were both leaders of the Parliamentary forces)!. the common people of england had very little to do with the Civil War, mostly they would just have fought for whichever side their landlord was fighting for!. And in summer they would go home to get the harvest in, which was of far more importance to most english people than the war!.

The English Civil War did succeed in curbing the power of the King, and even (briefly) doing away with the rule of monarchy altogether, but it was not about giving rights to the majority of people, or improving the lot of the common people!. Radical groups who arose out of the parliamentarian side were swiftly suppressed!.

The French Revolution did accomplish many of its radical aims, but after Napoleon took power many of the reforms that had been instigated by the revolution were suppressed, though some were retained!. There were continual revolutions throughout the next hundred years or so in France!. meanwhile the English attained more democratic ways, increases in the franchise etc, without revolution but with changes in the laws!.

the French Revolution was much more radical, and aimed at giving rights to people who had never had any, and completely chaning the way France was organised and governed!. the leaders of the revolution were mainly middle-class professionals, lawyers in particular, not members of the upper class!.

The aims of the English Revolution were far more limited than those of the French Revolution, and i think it actually is very difficult to compare the two!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, with respect to the French Revolution!. Nonetheless, it was the violence of the modern wars that forced the extension of human rights to all British citizens, so, in a sense , violence did accompany the British Revolution as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is hard to compere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com