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Position:Home>History> Could this be true? I am writing a paper on this subject (just starting research

Question: Could this be true!? I am writing a paper on this subject (just starting research), but I though the bubonic!?
plague had something to do with rats or fleas!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That is true - the plague was passed by the fleas on rats and mice!. So if a rat got on a boat shipping grain from France to England - well then it was in England!. Brutal disease!. You read about some amazing things that happened in that time period!. How people in certain parts of Europe had the natural DNA to defend against the disease!. As bad as the disease hit parts of Western Europe - it was nothing compared to what it did in other parts of the world!. All of this was just recently discovered in the last 20 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't see anything in the article that you refer to that says the Black Death was *not* spread by fleas living on rats, as is usually accepted to be the case!. The article just suggests that the events in Europe just prior to the plague's arrival made the whole continent particularly vulnerable to the impacts of the disease!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely! It affected both humans and rats, and it was transmitted when the fleas on afflicted rats bit people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is believed rats spread the disease!. There are quite few other sources out there to read for you report!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah we learned all about it in class!.!.!. it was spred through ratsWww@QuestionHome@Com