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Position:Home>History> Elizabethan Jobs?

Question: Elizabethan Jobs!?
What jobs were existing around the time of the Elizabethan Era in England that required prior experience!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Apprenticeship was a big thing then

kids, teenagers, young adults could learn while slowly trying out some adult's jobs (parents, relatives, neighbours!.!.!.) and learning from their tips and advice!. It was very different than today's schools that keep kids isolated from the work-world, then graduate without any training in any career, and have such frustrations trying to get any job!. Ironic isn't it !

To answer your question more squarely,
Mason / bricklayer
iron worker / blacksmith
shoe-maker ! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

here lol
salvation is here!.!.!.well you probably already did the help wanted by now but here you go if you haventWww@QuestionHome@Com