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Position:Home>History> What contraception would have been used in England 1911? And would an unplanned

Question: What contraception would have been used in England 1911!? And would an unplanned pregnancy always result in a!?
And would an unplanned pregancy have resulted in marriage!.i have searched the internet and i cannot find anything that really answers these questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Hi there!.
You won't find a clear answer as it is totally class related!.

According to "My Life" by Frank Harris, contraceptives commonly used were a form of condom and a cold water douche (which sluiced cold water into the vagina killing sperm)!.
Non-penetrative sex was also widespread!.

As for marriage - in the middle and upper classes, unplanned pregnancy was rare and much frowned on, a marriage would be imposed if at all possible!.
Further down the social scale, it was frowned upon but no usually a big problem!. In rural areas, it was rare to marry until the girl was already pregnant, as an infertile union was considered disastrous!.

regards, Steve!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Condoms have existed for several thousand years! An unplanned pregnancy could have been terminated even then, although illegally and often resulted in the mother's death!. This has also been the case since time immemorial!. Or the mother would be sent away to distant relations and return without the baby (which would more than likely end up in an orphanage), or the child would be raised by her own mother!. Many a grandmother has raised her daughter's child as her own and nobody, except the close family, knew the truth!.

In those days, all a man had to do was deny he was the father and there was no way of proving it, so if he didn't feel like marrying the mother, tough luck on her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Condoms have been around for 3000 years!. The rubber vulcanization process was patented by Charles Goodyear in 1844, and the first rubber condom was produced in 1855!.

No, unplanned pregnancy would not have automatically lead to marriage!. It still requires the consent of both partners!. However, the stigma of children born out of wedlock was very high!. A Bastard could not inherit (Post-hoc legitimisation was introduced under the Legitimacy Act 1926 (16 & 17 Geo!. 5 c!. 60) and the Family Law Reform Act 1969 (c!. 46) allowed a bastard to inherit on the intestacy of his parents)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they did have re-usable condoms then!. Try looking up Marie Stopes on the internet!. She was a contraception pioneer!. My mother knew a 15 year old girl who drowned herself around 1919 because she'd become pregnant and was thrown out of the family home in disgrace - so not every pregnancy ended in marriage!. There were a load of botched abortions in those days too!. The social stigma of sex before marriage was enormous!.!.!.!.even up to the 1960s!. Very unfair on the girls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Pull out method!. Im not sure contraception was commonly used then!. My Gran is one 9 children!.Www@QuestionHome@Com