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Position:Home>History> Evacuees during WWII?

Question: Evacuees during WWII!?
Does anyone know the age range of the children evacuated during WWII!. I've searched and searched but all I can find is that children, mothers with small children, pregnant women, and disabled people were evacuated!. I am trying to write something about that time period and I want to have my information correct!. Thank you for any help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It would be perfectly acceptable to include a teenager in an evacuee story!.
Have a look on the BBC website they have some firsthand accounts and other information, not all children had good experiences!.



i think ( i am not sure) that this was a decision made by the family!. so there is a lot of variation - not a set of rules!.

it is possible that the govt made recommendations, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com