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Position:Home>History> Shouldn't the Allies have carved up a Jewish homeland out of Germany after W

Question: Shouldn't the Allies have carved up a Jewish homeland out of Germany after WW2 instead!?
What!? They were thinking about it, but they decided to create Isreal in the Mediterranean instead!.!.!.!.!.!.And look at the political conflicts that have been created out of it NOW!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
After the war, no country wanted the Jews!. Britain didn't want them, America didn't want them, nowhere in Europe wanted them, Australia and Canada didn't want them!.

So Britain came up with the idea of throwing the Palestinians out of the land where modern Israel is, and putting them there instead!.

Perhaps many Jews would have liked a homeland in Germany, after all that was where many of them were born, despite the fact of what they had gone through since 1933!. Who knows!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Would you want a homeland anywhere else than where you historically consider it to be!? The Balfour Declaration acknowledges that Palestine, as it was then, is where Israel existed in that location historically!. This is despite earlier attempts to develop a Jewish homeland in places as diverse as Uganda!.

It should be noted that the push to defeat Nazi Germany had little to do with liberating Jews, though that was certainly an effect!. Decisions were largely made to military advantage against the Reich, not primarily to liberate and save the Jewish population in Europe

Besides, do you really think the Russians, present in post-war Germany, would have allowed the creation of a jewish state!? They, and many Eastern Europeans, are notoriously anti-semitic, and were responsible for much of the ethnic cleansing that occurred during the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you retarded, seriously!? We were fighting to keep the opression of a culture from happening, doing something like that would have been the most hypocritical thing we could have done!.

You don't fight for the freedom of one race or culture just so you can opress the other because they're the offender, that's not how liberty and democracy work!. This isn't "an eye for an eye", that doesn't work in world events!.

Try growing up and losing the "let's get revenge" ideas, it will do you good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

History has shown that associating with muslims has been a huge disaster !. Israel will be destroyed and the muslims will continue to invade the west!. This is their stated goal!. This is also the prophesy of Nostradam !.Basing our economy on arab oil was a disaster and it will only get worse!. The stage is now set for Apocalypse/ Armageddon to occur!. I believe that Israel could have been located in australia or north america!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Moses didn't deliver the Jews to Germany he delivered them to Israel !. The Jews wanted to go HOME !. The allies didn't give Israel to the Jews the Jews took it from the British !. Britain tried to keep them out but to no avail !. The Jews were determined to go HOME !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Right!. I'm a Jew just out of the Holocaust!. The LAST place I want to live is in Germany, let alone have a homeland there!.

Now look up the Balfour Declaration!. This is the basis for the Jewish homeland in Palestine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in the bible it says god gave the jews that land--thats one reason jews from all over the world are returning there-- i dont want to preach but that is one of the signs that the end is starting--it was predicted in the bibleWww@QuestionHome@Com

There would have been a problem no matter where it was "put!."
The Jews had been "promised" a homeland in the Holy Land by God - if you're of that mind - and MANY Jews were already there!.
I agree that the Palestinians got a raw deal - but who in History has gotten worse than the Jews!? No one!.

I don't think giving them Saxony would have made anyone happy either!. They claim a God-given right!. Not too many people wanted to argue with them about it at the time - although they certainly had to fight to get and keep it!.
I'd like to know what the so-called "Leaders" of the Palestinians have done to improve the lot of their people!.

I don't think there is an answer that would have satisfied everyone!. Do you!?

YES -- that's EXACTLY what we're telling you!. What kind of memories do you think those people were carrying around!? How often would they have run into one of their guards at the grocery store!. They WANTED to go!. ASK THEM -- yadvashem!.org, www!.ushmm!.org!.Www@QuestionHome@Com