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Position:Home>History> 'Our fathers' bread' - can this be true???

Question: 'Our fathers' bread' - can this be true!?!?!?
I read somewhere that during the siege of Paris in the Wars of Religion, c!. 1590, the famine grew so bad that they experimented with grinding human bones from the charnel-houses up into flour and they called the resulting bread 'our fathers' bread', though those who ate it died!.
Can this be true!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is an article about the events:



I believe in it, as ancient people are cruel and uncivilised!. It's especially true during the war!. I've heard an empress named Lv in China, very jealous of a concubine beloved by the emperor, so after emperor died, she cut arms and legs of that beautiful concubine and digged up her eyes and poisoned her to dummy and finally threw her into toilet!. After that, her son was also be poisoned to death by the empress!. She let her family to hold the power and killed almost all the emperors' son, so she's very "well-known" in history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

urban legend!. 'our father's bread' has religious signifigance ie 'God the Father blessed us with this bounty'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they ate rats!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never heard that one!. Someone's trying to pull your leg!.Www@QuestionHome@Com