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Position:Home>History> European rulers and merchants were determined to gain control of the islands of

Question: European rulers and merchants were determined to gain control of the islands of Southeast Asia because!?
European rulers and merchants were determined to gain control of the islands of Southeast Asia because!?

a!.whichever nation controlled these islands controlled the trade route between China and Europe!.

b!.they were vital to launching a military invasion of the mainland!.

c!.the spice trade there was enormously profitable!.

d!.the climate was perfect for bathing!.

James I of England believed in the divine right of kings, which is !?

a!.the belief that a king was granted the wisdom of God upon ascending to the throne, and therefore was faultless!.

b!.the concept that kinds were equal to God, and therefore did not have to live by the laws of the Church!.

c!.the theory that kings alone could know the mind of God, and therefore could determine the future through divination!.

d!.the idea that kings receive their power from God and are responsible only to God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't want to say anything but you could look up the answers quicker than typing out the entire question and choices !. Anyway 1 !. is c and 2 !. is d !. Try looking up the answers and save yourself some time !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spice Trade & Trade Routes on #1 #2 James I beleave he was responsible only to God!. Talk about a ego trip!.Www@QuestionHome@Com