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Position:Home>History> I really need help with my project, it has to do with the victorian era, back in

Question: I really need help with my project, it has to do with the victorian era, back in 1900's!?
i have to do a written artifact, and im going to be applying for a job!. but i dont understand how!. i have to sound like a woman from the 1900's wrting though, but i dont know what i should write when applying for a job trying to sound like someone from 1900's!.
pleaasee, help me if you understand what im asking!. just give me suggestions and tell me what you think i should write and stuff!. thanks, 10 points!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If by the 1900s you mean the 19th century, I recommend a Sherlock Holmes story, The Copper Beeches, about a young woman applying to be a governess in a strange household!. It contains a lot of dialog from the Victorian era, including some in correspondence form!. If you write something in the same style as the way Violet Hunter speaks, you will sound like a woman from the 19th century!.


Do you mean 1800s!? The 1900s would be the last century, the twentieth, so wouldn't be very difficult, as you're probably from that time yourself!. Queen Victoria reigned form 1837 to 1901, which is mostly the 19th century - the eighteen hundreds!.

Or if you mean from 1900-1910, that's the Edwardian era!.

I can only suggest you think of things like TV programmes set in that time, and anything else you know, write down some ideas, and try and imagine how a woman from the 1800s would apply for a job!. It depends on the job, so you need to have a very clear idea about that, and you can research it all on the internet!. Maybe you can also invent a back-story for the woman - think about the situation she's in now, why she's applying for the job!. It's a combination of knowing some facts and using your imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only thing I can think is you have to present yourself in a very self-effacing way, and yet assuring your prospective employer that you will not be a liability, you must be deferentWww@QuestionHome@Com

the best example would be in the book Jane Eyre when she is seeking employment as a nannyWww@QuestionHome@Com