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Position:Home>History> INteresting Facts about 1929? not the massacre or crash. Just like interesting f

Question: INteresting Facts about 1929!? not the massacre or crash!. Just like interesting facts about the 1920's!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
President Warren G!. Harding died quite suddenly while he was on a trip to Alaska!. It was August 2, 1923!. He had left Washington with no warning after still another scandal rocked the capitol, this one concerning an illegitimate child he had fathered!. Other scandals included the infamous "Teapot Dome" affair, as well as numerous cronies being jailed for taking bribes and selling influence!.

While on board ship, Harding stayed up late drinking whiskey (during Prohibition) and playing poker with "the boys" until he left the game to say goodnight to his wife!. This was the last time he was seen alive (except by the Mrs!.)!.

He failed to answer knocking at his door the next morning!. He was discovered dead!. The ship's captain immediately made for port and sent a telegram informing Washington of the loss!. Mrs!. Harding immediately had the president's remains cremated!. No autopsy for this guy! Was he murdered!?

We'll never know!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know anything big beside the crash but maybe this could be a good one!. did you know that because of the stock market crash, the term "bank teller" originated in the wake of that event!. bank tellers at that time were low paid employees and those employees tell depositors that their money was gone!.

is it interesting!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com