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Position:Home>History> When the filmed the Movie Gettysburg, how did they keep from getting monuments i

Question: When the filmed the Movie Gettysburg, how did they keep from getting monuments in the shot!?
I was at Gettysburg last summer and you couldn't swing a cat without hitting at least two monuments and a historical marker!. I've been a fan of the movie for years, and I was wondering, since it was filmed on location, how did they avoid having monuments (like the Pennsylvania Memorial) in the shot!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Monuments were camouflaged with camouflage netting!. Fresh cut plants were placed in front of them as well!.

The cameras were carefully aimed to avoid monuments!.

The actual fighting scenes were filmed offsite from the battlefield, which meant they could film without getting monuments in the shots!.

Greenscreening was never used in the movie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

from what i understand the films director and his crew took great pains to either obscure the monuments, i!.e!. with smoke, shrubbery, wagons, horses, and also filmed in areas where there were fewer monuments!. for instance, if you visited little round top, you would notice that much of the terrain is basically pristine!. also, devil's den is not cluttered with monuments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They used a technique called green screening where they shot the actors in front of it, and then later edited the scenes into the film!.Www@QuestionHome@Com