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Position:Home>History> What were the impacts of the civil war on southern society? what effect did reco

Question: What were the impacts of the civil war on southern society!? what effect did reconstruction plans have!?
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Some people lost everything they had because of Sherman's march to the sea and burning a 50 mile wide path of destruction!. This is one of the first recorded instances of biological warfare as the Yankees would poison water wells by killing farm animals and dumping them down the well!.

Homes were burned, people were starving because there was no aid as in what the United States provides today in wars, the land was raped and what the Yankees could carry off, they did in jewellry, gold, etc!.

After the war, the northerners imposed heavy sanctions upon the south and installed puppet governments, composed partly of freed slaves who had no idea what was going on!. The north didn't help the slaves or the freed slaves, they were out to help themselves!. A great deal of poverty and suffering was created because of these policies from Washington, both white and black!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It hurt their economy drastically!. Since slavery was done and the south relied heavily on them for their agricultural business!. also, much of the Civil War was in the south so they had to rebuild major areas such as Atlanta!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha im in 5th grade and we just learned that!.!.!. ummm they had new buildings, railroads, but they actully cost alot of money!! more people moved 2 da north cause their were new inventions there like locomotive, steam, reaper and etc!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com