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Position:Home>History> Names of a person who died in the Black Death?

Question: Names of a person who died in the Black Death!?
Can you tell me the name of a person who died in the Black Death, and some info on them!? websites too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Blanche of Lancaster!. She was married to John of Gaunt, and died of the plague in 1369!. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote the "Book of the Duchess" for her!.


She figures in the much-loved historical romance about John of Gaunt and Katherine Swynford, "Katherine" by Anya Seton!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Knowing who died and who lived through the early years of the plague is somewhat problematic!. Deaths among the general English population were not recorded in the 14th Century -- the height of the Plague -- and most communities did not begin recording parish registers until around 1538!. Fortunately, Eyam began keeping a parish register in 1630!. Thus historian John Clifford began by examining the register, noting everyone who was alive in 1665, the year the plague came to Eyam!. He searched for evidence of life through the year 1725 -- marriages, baptisms, burials that took place years after the plague had left the village!. Deleting the names of those lost during the plague period, he was able to determine who the survivors were!.