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Position:Home>History> Were the Monguls terrorists?

Question: Were the Monguls terrorists!?
My Social studies teacher asked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm assuming you mean Mongols!. if I'm right, then no they were not terrorist!. they conquered most of Eurasia, then stabilized it!. they intermarried with the Chinese, allowed Confucianism to be the dominant influence of government, and allowed economic prosperity throughout the region by protecting the Silk Road!. they were simply imperialist!. what they did for Eurasia was far too good to be considered terrorism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, you're using the term really loosely or at least your teacher is!. The Mongols weren't terrorists because they used armies, not like the Asassins they destroyed in the Middle East when Hulagu Khan invaded there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess we could call them that, what they did was ancient total warfare, but nonetheless I think what they did was terrorism, they raped and pillaged homes, killed innocent people, burned houses, kidnaped etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on how you define terrorists!. I would say no because they fought openly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, but they defeated a bunch of sore losers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"As an American citizen, I cannot understand why our military is behaving like Mongol terrorists in Iraq!.
Why are they massacring civilians, terrorizing cities, pretending that ordinary citizens are "terrorists," bombing wedding parties and then justifying them by saying that they "appeared to be congregating and were a threat because of that," and "we shot him because he was taking dangerous pictures that could have been used against us," and when speaking of killing a Reuters cameraman, "he was in the way, taking pictures!."
How has our country and our military sunk to such a low level of morality!?
How have our military boys and girls been taught to be beasts!? How have they been transformed from caring, Christian kids into brutes who kill and are happy they killed men, women and children!? Who taught them that Iraqis were animals to be hunted and killed!? Who taught them that it was o!.k!. to go in and terrorize a city like Fallujah, bombing mosques and killing men and boys because they protested the American brutality!? Who taught them to go in and terrorize a city like Tel Afar and laugh about it and say it was because of "terrorists"--when it was ordinary citizens they were attacking and killing--often people who were huddled in their homes with fright!?The only answers I have are GW Bush, the devil Dick Cheney, the brute Donald Rumsfeld and the evil pusher, Wolfowitz!.
If you have any better answers, please let me know!.
Dr!. Sam Hamod, editor, www!.todaysalternativenews!.com 09/11/2005 (1)(2484)
How Did Americans Become Mongol Terrorists!? September 11, 2005

"A masked teenager in an Iraqi army uniform walked slowly through a crowd of 400 detainees captured Monday, studying each face and rendering his verdict with a simple hand gesture, like a Roman emperor deciding the fate of gladiators!.
A thumb pointed down meant the suspect was not thought to be an insurgent and would be released by U!.S!. soldiers!. A thumb pointed up meant a man would be removed from the concertina wire-encased pen, handcuffed with tape or plastic ties and taken by truck to a military base to be interrogated!.
"Another bad guy right here," an American interpreter shouted !.!.!.
!.!.!. Many of the informants are residents of this city of more than 200,000 who now serve in the Iraqi army!. Others had family members who were killed by the insurgents and said they wanted to help purge them from their neighborhoods!. The U!.S!. soldiers who work with them acknowledge knowing little about their backgrounds and motives -- or even their names -- (emphasis added) and admit that their reliability varies widely!. Some of those named by sources have in turn said their accusers were carrying out tribal or sectarian vendettas, a charge they also level at Iraqi security forces!.
!.!.!. As in the past several days, Iraqi soldiers drawn primarily from the Kurdish pesh merga militia led the operation, joined as always by U!.S!. Special Operations soldiers, distinctive with their unkempt hair and facial stubble!.
!.!.!. U!.S!. commanders have praised the performance of the Kurdish forces during the operation, while privately expressing concern that their tactics sometimes verge on being heavy-handed!. The pesh merga supports Kurdish rebels fighting the government of neighboring Turkey, and for many years the militiamen were targets of the Sunni Arab-dominated Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein!. The majority of Tall Afar's residents are Sunni Turkmens, ethnic relatives of the Turks!.
for more go to this web site http://abutamam!.blogspot!.com/2005/09/mon!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com