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Position:Home>History> The mystery with Rosetta Stone? A portal to the ancient world of Egypt..?

Question: The mystery with Rosetta Stone!? A portal to the ancient world of Egypt!.!.!?
!.!.!.can the new generations understand it's meaning!? Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Huh!? what is a "mystery" about a stone with the same sentences etched on it's surface in 3 languages!.

Have you evern SEEN it!? It's a small stone!.!.!. maybe 1 meter high so it's HARDLY a "portal" to anywhere because it's actually not too impressive as a rock!.!.!. it's what is on it that is impressive!.!.!.!. Oh!.!.!. It's in the British Museum!.!.!. lower levelWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is no mystery about the Rosetta Stone!. It was a stele--an Egyptian marker--brought back by the French during their invasion of Egypt!.

The importance of the stone is that its carvings have an identical message in three languages: Egyptian hieroglyphics (which nobody remembered the meaning of), another form of Egyptian writing (demotic), and Greek--which scholars understood!. By comparing the Greek and the hieroglyphics, the scholars could piece together the meaning of the Egyptian text!. That in turn allowed scholars to read hieroglyphic writing which could be found on ancient monuments throughout Egypt!.

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