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Position:Home>History> Can someone tell me a theater that would be a rival of the Old Globe theater in

Question: Can someone tell me a theater that would be a rival of the Old Globe theater in the Elizabethan Era (10 points
also, how was the old globe theater lighted!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the swan theatre in london!.

the lighting is used by candles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There were many theatres in Shakespeare's time!. Most of the performances would take place in the afternoon, precisely because of lighting problems!. The Rose was probably one of the more famous theatres of the time!.

Have a look here; it's a very informative site:


Old Globe Theatre info:

The Curtain

The Theatre

There are others of course - and other rivals were a troupe of schoolboys acting in public (the novelty value drew custom from the professional stage and worried the sharers for quite some time), plus the pits where bulls and bears were baited, cockfights staged and so on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The main rival of the Globe in the first years of the 17th Century was the Fortune Theatre, constructed in 1600!.Www@QuestionHome@Com