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Position:Home>History> What method of logic (epistemology) did Bertrand Russell decide was the proper m

Question: What method of logic (epistemology) did Bertrand Russell decide was the proper method of thinking!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"!.!.!. his general empirical approach has been constantly modified by rationalistic views concerning the subsistence of universals!."

But then there is this:
"A more sophisticated epistemology was offered by the subsequent critical realist movement (Sellars 1916, Russell 1921, Broad 1925, Drake et al!. 1920)"

For Russell, a denoting phrase is a singular noun phrase, preceded by a quantifier, whose predicate term is satisfied by some particular!. However, it is interesting to note that right at the very beginning of the article, Russell distinguishes between cases where "a phrase may be denoting and yet not denote anything (e!.g!. 'the present King of France)" and cases where they may denote "one definite object (e!.g!. "the present King of England)"!. If this passage is interpreted as saying that descriptions may "refer" to one definite object, then it could be that Russell actually recognized the two distinct uses of definite descriptions (attributive and referential) which Donnellan later proposed!. In any case, after clarifying the sense of the term "denoting phrase" and providing several examples to illustrate the idea, Russell explains the epistemological motivations for his theory!. Russell believes at this point that there are essentially two modes of knowing: knowledge by description and knowledge by (direct) acquaintance!. Knowledge by acquaintance is limited to the sense data of the phenomenal world and to one's own private inner experiences, while knowledge of everything else (other minds, physical objects, and so on) can only be known by way of general descriptions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com