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Position:Home>History> Is it true that when Germany bombed Russia in WW2 Stalin.?

Question: Is it true that when Germany bombed Russia in WW2 Stalin!.!?
Hid in his rooms for two weeks!.My teacher said so, but I didn't hear any other facts abgout this!.I was wondering if it was true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can't give you a yes or no answer, but this has the sound of a myth!. Germany was bombing various parts of Russia a lot, and right from the start--it wouldn't have been over in two weeks!. Stalin may have been reclusive at various times and this fact may have gotten crafted into the story that he hid out for two weeks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, your teacher is at best mistaken!.

World War II began in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland!. At the time Russia and Germany had a nonaggression pact which remained in place until Germany broke it by invading Russia!.

The primary battles between Germany and Russia were as follows:

Summer-Autumn Campaign of 1942 (1 May 1942 - 18 November 1942)
Stalingrad Strategic Defensive Operation* 17 July 1942 - 18 November 1942
Defensive Battles on Distant Approaches 17 July 1942 - 17 August 1942
Defensive Battles on Near Approaches and in Stalingrad 19 August 1942 - 18 November 1942
Second Period of the Great Patriotic War (19 November 1942 - 31 December 1943) Winter Campaign of 1942-1943 (19 November 1942 - 3 March 1943)
Stalingrad Strategic Offensive Operation (19 November 1942 - 2 February 1943)
Operation Uranus (19 November 1942 - 30 November 1942)
Kotelnikovo Offensive Operation (12 December 1942 - 31 December 1942)
Operation Little Saturn or Middle Don Offensive Operation (16 December 1942 - 30 December 1942)
Operation Koltso (1943) (English: Operation Ring) (10 January 1943 - 2 February 1943)

Germany was beaten in Russia (by the weather as well as the Russians) and as Napoleon did about a hundred years prior, tucked his tail between his legs and limped back to Germany!.

Stalin was a very tough and brutal man!. As with the people of Russia, Stalin fought to the end and beat Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com