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Position:Home>History> What was the protest of the luddites and captain swing about?

Question: What was the protest of the luddites and captain swing about!?
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The Industrial Revolution, while creating a richer economy to the benefit of entrepreneurs, threatened the rural population of Britain, established professions were able to be performed by fewer workers with less training, the profits were there to be made, rural workers were forced to abandon their livings and go to towns and cities!.

Basically both were a series of demonstrations against advances in technology which threatened the livelihoods of workers!. Luddites specifically opposed the centralisation of the textile cottage industries into factories, powered looms could produce textiles quicker and with fewer workers than the traditional workers!. The Captain Swing actions were partly against agricultural technology advances, fewer farmworkers were required – the hard manual labour was done by machine, specifically the threshing machines but also including other technologies!. The Swing riots were also demands for better wages and conditions for rural workers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both General Ned Ludd and Captain Swing were mythical figures who embodied the protest against machines taking the work of the "little" man!. As steam looms and sewing machines took the place of weavers and seamstresses, people who worked hard just to get by began to starve!. Luddites and Swingers tried to halt the spread of technology!.

BTW, in Belgium, workers would throw their wooden shoes into the gears of weaving machines in order to halt the weaving!. The Belge (and French) word for shoe is "sabot" and the workers were called "saboteurs," literally, shoe-ers!Www@QuestionHome@Com