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Position:Home>History> Indira gandhi???/?

Question: Indira gandhi!?!?!?/!?
does any one no anything about her!?!? wat did she do to help India and how did she help it!?!? please help I have 2 do a report about her and I wanna know everything about her!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
she was the daughter of nehru who was the first prime minister and i think it would also be important to mention that she was a woman!. she launched the green revolution which greatly increased agriculture which was positive!. on the negative but i guess also positive side there was a huge influx in population during her time of rule in india and she used forced sterilization to control the population (of course she began with prisoners but a ton of people were forced in the end)!. one important thing to note is that she's not related to the other famous gandhi!. im sure you'll find tons of things if you just google her name! good luck :)Www@QuestionHome@Com