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Position:Home>History> Known for his forceful speeches, which senator led opposition to nullification?

Question: Known for his forceful speeches, which senator led opposition to nullification!?
A!. Daneil Webster
B!. John C!. Calhoun
C!. Jefferson Davis
D!. Salmon P ChaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A!. Daniel Webster

Webster, the 'Yankee Demosthenes' was part of the Great Triumvirate!. This Great Triumvirate included Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky, the 'Great Compromiser'; and Senator John C!. Calhoun of South Carolina, the 'Young Hercules!.' They were the leaders of the Senate during Antebellum America, the years from the end of Andrew Jackson's Presidency to the eve of the Civil War!.

Webster, a Northerner from Massachusetts, opposed Nullification which was embraced by John C!. Calhoun and his fellow Southerners!. He was very famous for his speeches and orations against it in the Senate!. Whenever Webster was to speak, the Senate chambers were always overwhelmed with people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Daniel Webster was an opponent of nullification, and is famous for the Webster-Hayne debate of 1830!.!.!.