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Position:Home>History> Which Empire did not fight to invade?

Question: Which Empire did not fight to invade!?
I think the arab empire did not attack anyone to conquer instead people and countrys joined them

wht do u thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Japan invaded Thailand and Taiwan without a War During WWII!.
Tibetan and mongola belong China!.
Japan owes Taiwan island!.
Russia owes Japan Island!.
UK owes Falk island!.
Singapore independenced after kick out from Malaysia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Which caliphate are you referring to!? There was never really a single "Arabian Empire"!. The powerful caliphates all violently expanded their empires!. Take a look at the most recent one, the Ottoman Empire, which took over the entire Byzantine Empire by force and proceeded to conquer much of the Balkans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All groups have used force/ violence to expand!. There are those that seem to have been less violent but this is often because the history of their work has been destroyed by later conquests!.

Arab is a vague term!. What historic period are you talking about!? The Sumerians were hardly peaceful, later groups such as the Persians, fighting the Greeks and Romans, through to the wars with the Jews and the Christians in the Middle East, through to the Muslim conquest of parts of Spain were not peaceful!.

The option offered was 'join us peacefully or face annihilation', which was a common threat against towns before putting them uder siege!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely a modern public educated person!

Look up Charles Martel in the encyclopedia!.

My great x 45 grandfather, Mohammad was a desert bandit who modified an old Bedouin pagan religion and mixed it with Christianity and Judaism!. He then used his desert bandit army to conquer minor areas and grew (after his death) it across the middle east, norther Africa and into Spain and the Balkans and even into India!. Almost all of his conquests and the conquests of his followers was by the sword!. Why do you think that here is still war in the Balkans, and in India/Pakastan between the Moslems and non-Moslems!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"the arab empire did not attack anyone"

LOL Get a new history book kid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com