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Position:Home>History> Can you name this emperor of rome?

Question: Can you name this emperor of rome!?
TRUE STORY : a roman emperor once tried to disprove the Bible by attempting to discredit one of its prophecies through the building of the jewish temple

Can you name this emperor and why his effort failed!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Julian the apostate, Augustus 361-363 AD!.
It is said that he tried to rebuild the Jewish temple, but fireballs forced the workers to stop!.
Gibbon speculates about the story, but more recent research suggests that it was, at most, a project that was never started!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not! You may be confusing this with Herod!. Herod is known for his colossal building projects in Jerusalem and other parts of the ancient world, including the rebuilding of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, sometimes referred to as Herod's Temple!. Herod I or Herod the Great (73 BC – 4 BC in Jericho), was a Roman client king of Judaea!.

The Temple was BUILT twice and RE-BUILT once!.

587 BCEDestruction of the first Temple!.

538-333 BCE Return of the exiled Jews from Babylon and construction of the second Temple (520-515 BCE)!.

63 BCE-313 CE The Roman army led by Titus conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple at 70 CE!. Jewish people were then exiled and dispersed to the Diaspora!. In 132, Bar Kokhba organized a revolt against Roman rule, but was killed in a battle in Bethar in Judean Hills!. Subsequently the Romans decimated the Jewish community, renamed Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina and Judea as Palaestina to obliterate Jewish identification with the Land of Israel (the word Palestine, and the Arabic word Filastin originate from this Latin name)!.

The remaining Jewish community moved to northern towns in the Galilee!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Frito Bandito
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