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Position:Home>History> Three reason that andrew Jackson was not a successfull president...?

Question: Three reason that andrew Jackson was not a successfull president!.!.!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. he didn't like the second bank of america, which he believed might be corrupt!. he hated using dollar bills, prefering coins instead!.

2!. he puts outs the indian removal act, which states that all native americans living eats of the mississippi river must move to the west!. the trail of tears was a trail that native american walked to their new land!. native americans didn't have rights or land ownership; they were separated form their families, faced starvation and death on the trail of tears!.!.!.!.

3!. he also has the spoils system, in which he replaces all of his political officials with his friends, instead of voting for elected officials, he would jst award his friends political jobs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think he was!. He was just as successful if not more so than the present president!.

His problems was that Rachel had died and he had no first lady, officially, and there were rumors!. He was also involved in a duel in which he was wounded but survived!. I forget whether he killed the other person or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com