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Position:Home>History> Why did the Ancient Gods and Goddess of Egypt Disappeared?

Question: Why did the Ancient Gods and Goddess of Egypt Disappeared!?
From the times of the pharaohs!.!.!.till today!? While in other religion the gods are still being worshipped today!?
^Ex!. Hinduism aka Sanatana Dharma!.

WHAT HAPPENED!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really think you should compare the history of India to that of Egypt!. India was left relatively undisturbed by other major religions until a couple of centuries ago!. Egypt was constantly being invaded by other people's with different beliefs!. St!. Mark's teachings was the real reason for the spread of Christianity in Egypt even before it became the official religion of Rome!. The result was the gradual decline in worship of the old gods!.

There were Coptic Churches in Egypt before that were any Christian churches in Europe!. "The Good Word" was being spread in Egypt only about a dozen years after the death of Jesus, according to the history of the Coptic Church!.

All polytheist forms of religion were better victims for Christianity and Islam!. Polytheists incorporate foreign gods into their pantheon quite readily!. If I understand correctly, Hinduism accepts the concept of many gods, but is more centered upon the soul of the individual as the true self!.

It seems to me that the lack of focus on any god is in large part responsible for the survival of Hinduism - plus the fact that it was relatively isolated until relatively recently!. The allowing of the introduction of the Christian god - followed by their insistence that no other god might be worshiped along side, eventually resulted in the cessation of the worship of the old gods!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As Christianity gained in political as well as religious power, it vigorously persecuted and suppressed as heretical all other religions!. Later, Islam did the same!. Fortunately, outside of Europe and the middle east, other cultures with a strong social cohesiveness were able to resist the evangelical efforts of monotheism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simple!.!.!.!! Simple mortals worship simple gods of this earth who die like you, me and the rest!. Others worship false god and it was written that we would worship false gods!.

I worship God!.!.!.!.the Creator!. As for the false gods and idols like American Idol, they come and go and so will we!.

You got my vote !!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

One word: Christianity!. Yup!. Apparently a lot of people like to believe that an one omnipotent person could create the world in 7 days!. It's hard to believe people still believe in that when it's stupid because of all the scientific proof that the world wasn't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pharonic Egypt ended its 3000 year old existence when Rome conquered Egypt in the first century BC!.

Rome's religion was replaced by Christianity by the Emperor Constantine in 310 AD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the God of the Israelis proved that he is real and the Egyptian "gods" were fakes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They died like the rest of the mortals!.
They didn't disappear, they are amongst us!.
They are Gods only because they were worshipped by the people and held in high regard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because of a cult (as it was called at the time) called Christianity!. Monotheism and belief in one god replaced the old ways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who says they've disappeared!? And if so - where are they now!? Tough to hide a God!.
Better research Egyptian religions - it's all there!. (So are they!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

it seems :S but many religions have the same ideas of them but with other names :S ahh religion is very confusing!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people stopped believing in them!. When there's no more belief, gods go *poof*Www@QuestionHome@Com