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Position:Home>History> Was dracula really exist?

Question: Was dracula really exist!?
i heard he lived in romania and persians executed him during their wars with romania!.is it true!?and was he really a vampire!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As Vlad the Impaler, yes, but he was not a vampire!. He was not killed by the Persians but died at the age of 43 in a battle outside Bucharest with the Turks, some say by his own men!. Whatever, the Turks sent his head to the Sultan in Constantinople where it was publicly displayed to prove that he was dead
An excellent account of Vlad and the Dracula legend is "In Search of Dracula" by Raymond NcNally and Radu Florescu, which your local librarian should be able to obtain for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Romania was and still is a very superstitious country!. Dracula came about from stories passed on by the peasants of the region of Romania known as Transylvania!. The story of Count Dracula was really the story of Vlad the Impaler!. He was a count who wasn't exactly good to the peasants of his kingdom!. It was reported that he held a party for all the poor and disabled people and once he got them into the building (hall) he had the windows and door nailed shut and burned the place to the ground with everyone inside!. He was a sedo masochist and enjoyed impailing people and drawing their blood, thus the name of Dracula the Vampire!. His real name was Dracule!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes Vlad the impaler!. It was rumored that he would eat in front of those who had been inpaled!. It's also rumored that he would sop up the blood with bread and eat it!. It's not validated but it was a powerful rumor!. Bram stroker when he heard of Vlad switched location of the book from Austria to Romania and the vampire's name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dracula- Vlad the impailer!. Yes he did live in romania!. I don't think he was a vampire!. although he did love to impail people on his sticks in the yard!. Poke around on google and dig up some information its pretty interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vlad the Impaler!. He had a horrible handlebar mustache and was pretty nasty guy all around!. He was not one to have a couple of brews with and watch the game!.Www@QuestionHome@Com