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Position:Home>History> Who was the ruler of Poland during World War 2?

Question: Who was the ruler of Poland during World War 2!?
PLEASE ANSWER MEWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
On September 1, 1939, German forces invaded Poland from the East, and as the Soviets had promised in a secretly signed agreement with Germany, on September 17 they invaded Poland from the West!. The Polish government then fled to Rumania, where the President and Commander-in-Chief were interned!. The Soviets and Germans wasted no time in agreeing on the border dividing Poland between them, after which the Soviets annexed their portion to the Soviet Union and Lithuania (but in less than a year Lithuania itself would be taken over by the Soviet Union)!. The Germans annexed Poznan, Gdynia, Bydgiscz, Katowice, Lodz, and Plock, while turning what remained of Poland into a German administered so called General-Gouvernement, under which Poles were to be Germanized!.

No where in former Poland did a polish government exist, not even a puppet one!. Although Poles did serve in one lower level administrative capacity or another, although there were Polish police, all operated under the direct orders of Germans or, until the Germans invaded the Soviet Union and incorporated Eastern Galacia into the General-Gouvernement, Soviet authorities!. Any democide committed by Poles in whatever lower level official capacity they had, therefore, was the responsibility of the German or Soviet governments!.

After the fall of Poland, a Polish government in exile was first established in France, and then with its defeat by Germany, the Polish government fled to London!. also, a reconstituted Polish Army was formed from exiles, overseas Poles, and those who had escaped from Poland, and it fought numerous battles allong side the Allies against Germans and Italians!. When the eventual defeat of Germany became obvious, and the liberation of Poland a matter of time, a diplomatic, political, and secret war began between Polish communists and anti-communists and against future Soviet domination of Poland!. The issue was joined over whether the post-war government of Poland would be a freely elected democratic government, an independent communist government, or a Soviet puppet!.


Depends on what you mean

Poland did not have a "quisling" or a vichy" type collaborating government
It was erased from the maps, and parts were incorporated into germany!. Other- bigger- parts were incorporated into the soviet union (and these remain lost)
the 'rump" was renamen "General Gouvernement" and ruled by the nazis directly

A Polish Government in exile was formed, first in France then in England
the soviets formed another such government

The only politician worth mentioning is Wladyslaw Sikorski who was the Prime Minister of the Polish Government in Exile (London) util he was murderedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Helmin Luthwik Jr!. I'm sure!Www@QuestionHome@Com