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Position:Home>History> Why did the ancient Romans use human urine in their toothpaste?

Question: Why did the ancient Romans use human urine in their toothpaste!?
I'm doing a science project, and I just know that my classmates will be asking about this particular topic!.!.!. so I better have the answer!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Surprisingly, urine is sterile!. It has been used for centuries as therapy!. In fact I read, that to survive in emergency circumstances, one can drink one's own urine safely for nutrition (OMG, hope I never have to do that, but seriously, it's good to know!)
Urine's main constituents are water and urea!. It contains small quantities of many hormones and metabolites, including corticosteroids!.
I'm sure there are endless puns to be made here, but suffice it to say that it is a cleansing agent!Www@QuestionHome@Com

romans did not use urine for toothpaste!. Here is the recipe for roman toothpaste Scribonius Largus, a roman physician developed it

A toothpaste which makes teeth shiny and strengthens them: sprinkle a pint of barley flour with vinegar that has been mixed with honey, knead it for a while, and divide it into six lumps!. When these have been separated, mix in half an ounce of rock salt, then cook in the oven until they turn to charcoal!. Then you should grind up these lumps and mix in enough spikenard to give them an odor!. Augustus' sister Octavia used this recipe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

did they!?!?!?

it WAS used in traditional remedies, for the acidity or supposed magical properties!.It was used a lot for making plant dyes change colour!.

urine is NOT STERILE!.!.!. it is chockablock full of bacteria (not harmful where it is, possbly harmful if re-ingested)

did they use toothbrushes as well!? I thought they used salt or mint leaves!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't specifically know, but many folk remedies in the past used urine!.

Urine is sterile so it is safer than waterWww@QuestionHome@Com