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Position:Home>History> If you had a chance to spend a day with anyone from the past?

Question: If you had a chance to spend a day with anyone from the past!?
who would it be and why!? I think that I'd like to spend a day with Elizabeth I of England, after she came to power!. One day wouldn't unlock that fascinating personality but it would surely be interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jesus, because of his teachings- I believe there was more about him that we don't know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Two responses to your question; first, there was a program on PBS a long time ago!. Steve Allen who was made famous by The Tonight Show before Johnny Carson, had a talk show where various actors played different figures from history!. Marie Antoinette was on the panel with the Marquise de Sade for example!. These people got to "talk" to each other and to answer questions from the moderator!.
Second, I would love to be able to talk to Leonardo DaVinci!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alexander the Great to see what the greatest fighting general this world will ever produce was truly like and to ask of him how terrain entered into his plans for battles !.(Or, to see this father above me reunited with a beloved daughter !. !. !. T-T )


Jesus, King David from the Bible, John ,Jesus loved desciple, Hafiz a poet, Elizabeth Katy Stanton woman abolitionist who's speech to the congress got women the vote!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pythagoras!. I think he knew a lot of things which never found their way on paper!. I'd join the vegetarian cult in order to figure out just what it was he knew!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My beautiful daughter, who passed away only weeks after her second birthday-I don't think I need to say why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would have to say Elie weisel!. he was a survivor of the HolocaustWww@QuestionHome@Com