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Position:Home>History> Which of the following famous Americans would you say contributed...?

Question: Which of the following famous Americans would you say contributed!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.the most to the betterment of mankind!?
(1) Thomas Edison
(2)Alexander G!. Bell
(3) William "Bill" Gates
(4) Henry FordWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would def!. say Thomas Edison, his works paved the way for how things are today, light, modern cinema (kinetiscope), but the rest are def!. significantWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edison had hardly any original ideas!. He created an invention factory, hired in lots of young men, and put his name (and only his name) on every idea they had!. He hounded his rivals, particularly in the fight of DC vs AC electricity!.

Ford invented the modern slavery of the factory floor!. Infinite repetition, total lack of initiative or originality!. He refined his machines so that every part would break early and often!. If he found Model As in the junk yard, and they still had, say, good tie rods, he made sure that his tie rods would die sooner!. Planned obsolescense is his finest acheivement!.

Bell!? The telephone is cute, but not earth shattering!.

Gates!? I see computers as having enabled some things, but Microsoft has abused its monopoly to sell shoddy products!. Vista is more visible, but most of the products are designed to help sell faster computers, rather than help the buyers get things done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's a difficult question!. Bill Gates can pretty much be eliminated from the list in my opinion!. Yes, I am sure he's done charitable work, but that does not necessarily contribute to the "betterment" of mankind!.

Ford's Model T made cars a bit cheaper so the average person was more likely to afford them!.

Edison certainly never invented electricity!. Least we forget the early telegraph used eletrical impulses to send a signal through and was already well established (the first elctrochemical telegraph was invented by Samuel Thomas von S?mmering in 1809) before Edison's birth in 1847!. His big claim was the electric lightbulb which gives folks a better means of lighting at night than candle light or oil lamp!.

Bell's telephone actually made it possible for the creation of the net and brought folks closer together!.

Who made the most towards the metterment of mankind among these men!? Can't really say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edison was not the inventor people think, he bought many a patent, Ford invented the assembly line, not the car, so I'm not sure assembly line is a big deal, Gates simply had greed and timing in a good combo- I'd have to say Bell!. He was a founding member of National Geographic society, his work with elocution and teaching the deaf changed lives!. One of his pupils was Helen Keller, he also did the early work for what later became the various kinds of magnetic media we have now!. (disks and such)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Troubling answers, you have here, my friend!.

First of all, Alex was a Canadian!. Canadians are Americans!. Kinda sorta!. Didn't cut the umbilical cord to Europe!.!.!.great man, however!. Nice kites!. A pioneer!.

Gates and Edison were most similar, assembling specialists to augment their brilliant business talents!. Thank goodness Tesla not only made a better method for electrical generation but also invented (and patented) the AND gate, without which Gates would not exist!. (Tesla should be on your list!.)

Ford made modern manufacturing procedures efficient and affordable to the common man!. He also used his profits to address the problems of mosquito-born diseases!. This man was a philanthropist!.

Ford saved the lives of millions!.

Now excuse me while my computer deals with important security updates!.!.!.

And, my friend, keep on rockin' and rollin'!. History is extremely important!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am pleasantly surprised that so many young people are saying Edison instead of Gates!.
Bill Gates came from the same mold as John D!. Rockefeller!. Both men monopolized their industry and the government had to take legal action to break up their companies!. Standard Oil and Microsoft!.
Among all the things he invented, I feel Edison's greatest achievement was the invention of the electricity generator and all it's ancillary equipment for lighting the night and it ended the dangerous use of gas-operated lighting in our streets and homes!.

Edison holds over 1000 U!.S!. patents and more in Europe!.
I was going to mention Tesla but I assumed, maybe incorrectly, that the question was refering to American - born men and Tesla supported pseudosciences and the occult!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Henry Ford created the modern assembly line which meant the US could out-produce the Germany in World War One and Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy and arm and equip the free world in World War Two!. With the assembly line as Ford made it things might have turned out differently!Www@QuestionHome@Com

definitly thomas edison!. Without him, there would have been no computer, cars, telephones, or any of that stuff! Without electricity, the other ppl mentioned couldnt have made what they did!. Props Edison!Www@QuestionHome@Com

William "Bill" Gates because his work goes beyond his extraordinary company!. He and his wife donate a lot of their time and money to help those in need around the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Apples, oranges, grapes, and bananasWww@QuestionHome@Com

All are cool, but my vote goes to Thomas Edison just for sheer numbers of inventions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd have to say Edison, he's the one who started it allWww@QuestionHome@Com