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Position:Home>History> If you could go back to any moment in time, what moment would you pick?

Question: If you could go back to any moment in time, what moment would you pick!?
The duration of the "Moment" can be as long or as short as you would want!. When the "trip" was over you would be returned exactly where and when you came from, so you would lose nothing!.
What moment in history would you want to witness!? Assume you could be assured a spot wherever you chose, but no one in history would be able to see or hear you!. You could only witness, you could not affect!.
Where/When would you go and Why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would want to go back 1984, India!.
its a pretty unknown event in history to be honest, so ill explain briefly!.!.!.basically im a sikh, which if you dont know, means i believe in the religion Sikhism which originated in india just over 300 years ago!.
anyway, around 1984, a Sikh seperatist movement formed, calling for a Sikh homeland in india!. basically this all culminated into a showdown between the seperatists and the indian government at the Sikhs holiest shrines!.!.!.as a result, the Indian PM Indira Gandhi was assassinated and thousands of sikhs (and hindus or muslims who helped them) were murdered and persecuted in riots!.

it was a crazy time and i really want to know more about the event!. i want to know whether the main instigator of the seperatism deserves the "martyr" status he has been given, or whether he really was a criminal like the indian government suggest!. i want to know what possessed the indian government to attack the golden temple, especially on a day when they knew there would be thousands of extra civilians!. i want to know how aware indira ghandi was of events!. i want to know how involved the government were in organising riots and why they werent arrested for their crimes!.

most of all, i want to know why and how a "civilised" and "democratic" nation could turn into savage beasts and loot rape and murder with such hatred and spite

apologies if this sounds like im ranting!
p!.s!. i am not anti-indian or anti-indian government! (Wellll maybe anti-indian government lol)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would go back to life of Julius Caesar - from his childhood to his assasination!. Not much is known about his early life and he seems to be either loved or loathed by many historians!. Although all seem to admire his military mind!. Wouldn't it be great to get answers to what his real nature was like - was he an egotistical monster or was he really misunderstood!? Did he know about the plot against him and then choose to do nothing about it!? Did he really pluck all the hair from his body!? I'd love to know it all!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would probably choose the 1800's because they used horse & buggy at that time and i would love to ride in one, also things weren't as hetic and complicated as they are now with all are "technology"!. Plus I think the clothes were very interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well it's hard but I would pick one year before my mom passed away because I don't have any pictures of her and some times I feel that I'm loosing her imageWww@QuestionHome@Com

Last Stand hill -2:45 Pm June 25th 1876
If I could have a video Camera
If not The day before the last super Bowl with lots of money to betWww@QuestionHome@Com