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Position:Home>History> What are the benefits of becoming a historical reenactor?

Question: What are the benefits of becoming a historical reenactor!?
I'm thinking of spending a lot of money to dress like a Viking and worried that I'm moving way too fast and in a month or two I won't be interested anymore!. Other than showing off at Renaissance Faires and Halloween, what do you get out of it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Join a group!. There are a lot of historical reenactment groups out there, and they tend to get together every chance they can!. Its a great social opportunity and a lot of fun!.
You really can learn a lot being a reenactor - possibly even to the point where you will be able to create crafts of some sort to sell!. Not to mention expanding your knowledge of history - and I assume you do want to know more about whatever period you are portraying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com